I Am Too……
Fill in the blank. When we are making an excuse for something we say we want but for whatever reason don’t think we can have, there are some common reasons that are voiced. I am too old, too late, too inexperienced, too something. The sentence begins with I am too…. and it ends with something that we deem true about ourselves.
Herein lies the problem. We want something and we think we can’t have it because of this assumption. And it is this very belief that you hold that is the only obstacle that will prevent the occurrence of something that you desire. It is 100% guaranteed that what you are wanting will not come to pass because of this errant belief. The reason I know this is true is because if the belief is strong enough it will stop you from doing anything to move you in the direction of your dreams. And if there is one thing to make sure what you want will not come to pass it’s the decision for inaction. The thought has won and you are left with an unanswered calling.
Here is an alternative to the myriad of options available. What if you are exactly the right age, exactly on time and know exactly what you need? What then? This pivot on perspective opens up the avenues for chances and changes. And it instantly requires something of you; It calls for action on your part. It is no longer a thought with a dead end. It is a thought that ignites the dream and becomes a catalyst for creativity.
Then, whatever your calling, it has a chance for survival and an opportunity for growth because now you are on board and moving in tandem with it. Your desires are awake and you are awake to them and wanting to lean into them, be curious about them and play with making them into a reality. Now there is a 100% increase in the opportunity for this calling to be met and realised.
Because the truth is, we never know the outcome of anything that we do. We can never know what results we will reap or the failures we will encounter, but at the very least choosing a way of thinking that opens us up to a path of discovery has way better odds of success.
So the next time any whispers of desires come floating into your sphere and you hold a hope for something that you would like to explore. If you find yourself creating dead ends then question the thoughts and beliefs that are seeming real to you and play with some new ways of thinking that will open up the gates and allow for you to begin your adventure. I would rather fail in trying something, then decide ahead of time that I am already failed so there is not even a need for me to try. This way of living is living in theory and not living in practice.
We are alive, everything in us is active, all our cells are vibrating, neural pathways sparking and blood flowing. There is no part of us that is cut off from life, so why would we ever choose thoughts that cut the flow of life from our imaginations? It takes courage to acknowledge what we want from life and even more to begin to bring that to being. Everything that breathes life points in the direction of evolving and all growth involves action. Creating is not a passive act but one where we have volition and are empowered to bring into reality things that have up until now lived only in our imaginations. Creating is a part of living and we were made for this.