Meet the Artist
Art Lover | Art Creator| Let Us Fill Our Worlds With Art

Hi, my name is Kiran Patel and I create art under the name of Illustrating Rain. Bringing to life what exists in my imagination into the world through art has been an act of creative alchemy that never ceases to leave me in awe and wonder. I knew I wanted to be an artist at the age of 4 and that dream came true in 2014. Since then I have created art for collectors of original art worldwide and worked with brands such as Starbucks and Shiseido.
I am also a big believer in talking about the creative process and wrote my first book called “The Spirit of Creating” to support budding creatives, along with a podcast of the same name. I hope to inspire others who feel that they may be called to turn their creative passions into their life’s work and break through the myths that surround this endeavour.
A lover of blank sheets of paper (ooh the potential), looking out to the sea,(puts it all into perspective), lots of laughter (because nothing relieves tensions like it) and prolific reader and podcast listener (always open to new ways of seeing and exploring)!
If you would like any advice or have any questions, please feel free to drop me a message at:- illustratingrain@gmail.com
Look forward to talking!
The Orphic
The Times Style Magazine
ABC Network
Book & Podcast
I get asked a lot how I came to be an artist and I can never really put it all into a linear story because that is not how it has been. So I have transferred the journey into an infographic below and hope it illustrates the many paths travelled that led to me becoming an artist.
How I Became An Artist