Unfolding Ideas
Are you working towards something? A goal, an end point? How will you know you have got there? Most likely you will get to see a physical outcome. Something will be in your world that wasn’t there before you began working towards it. That’s great, it is a part of life and creating. What we need to be aware of is that there is nothing that you can reach that will signify you have attained something and you never need to do anything ever again. There is no point in time where all goals have been met and there is nothing left for you to create.
I think somewhere in our conditioning and in our own thinking we set goals and make attempts to reach them and think that there will be some reward that will last forever, except it never does. The pay rise merges into a different way of spending and now it doesn’t seem as much as it first did. The house you had your eye on is where you now live and after a while you forget that you wanted it so badly. This is true for pretty much everything that we have ever wanted in our worlds.
I don’t think there is any one goal or achievement that is ever met that then creates a full stop and a never ending source of satisfaction; because I think the nature of life and the creativity within it is forever an unfolding. One revelation at a time. If we responded to life as though we expected to have an unending supply of inspiration and desire and that at no point in time were we ever going to reach a sense of finality, that would be a more truer reflection of the way nature and life seem to operate. A tree never seems to look like it’s done with the shedding of leaves and the sprouting of buds and then repeating the cycle over and over again without losing any of its beauty along the way.
The same is true for us. We may have areas of our lives we would like to achieve particular things in but there is a different feel to them when there is also an understanding that when you get there, the chances are there will be an unfolding of another kind which leads to something else. And so on and so forth. There would be no expectation of any goal reached that would make you think that there is nothing more to do or that you have reached such a pinnacle that nothing more needs to be accomplished.
There seems to be a freedom in seeing life in this way; where you can be working towards anything you desire and there is no desperation to get there so you can feel a certain way or find some infinite sense of accomplishment. Knowing that one inspired idea of something you would love to have will shapeshift into something else and this will occur repeatedly and that there is an unending supply of these ideas and dreams which are like buds yearning to open and then once they do, they head into a demise only for a new bud to re-emerge.
This perspective allows for endings and beginnings and doesn’t differentiate too heavily between the two. It allows for them all because there is a knowing that as long as we have life coursing through us there will be ideas created, some we will meet in our realities and some not, but either way, the desire to make something and reach it will continue to show up as long as we do.