Freeze Drying Ideas

You can have an idea come along, seemingly out of nowhere, for free. You didn’t earn it, or pay for it or receive it as a reward for something you did. It just comes, as a gift for you to play with. So the idea is here, you get to create from it. And as soon as it touches base with you, one of two things can happen. You feel its arrival and you feel the lightness of its touch and entertain the sparks of your imagination. You go out and you play with it. You make what you will of it and you enjoy the undertaking.

 Or you freeze dry it and put it up on a shelf and you forget you even have it. It gathers dust and has lost all the freshness of the moment into which it was born. You can’t freeze dry the Now. You can’t put the present time into a jar and place it on a shelf to later retrieve it, once you deem the time is right; because as soon as you bottle it and put it aside it is no longer alive. It can’t later be reached for, re-opened and hope that the aliveness that once was there remains. It is a poor substitute for the real thing. Freeze dried strawberries do not taste the same as freshly picked ones.

 Another idea will come around again, they do not hold grudges or count how many times you played with them, but your life shows what you do. Your life shows you how many ideas have been jarred and shelved for a better day and your everyday life does not necessarily resemble a life of inspired actions from the ideas that you have freely received, but rather a version of events that seem to be on repeat and at a pace where you think that one day they will lessen and slow down enough for you to take a jar down from the shelf to see what’s in it.

 Instead of waiting for a better day, enjoy the incoming ideas and flirt with them a little at least. Let them know that they are welcome, that you appreciate their arrival. Treat them as you would a valued and awaited guest. Bring out the special china and give them the royal treatment. They will thank you in return and you will get to create from a space that is unknown to those that freeze dry their guests.




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