Bullying Illusions

When we decide we want to create a piece of art or pen a poem we all hear voices in our heads telling us that we can’t do it, that we have nothing worthwhile to contribute; that what we are creating is sub-standard. This is not something that is unique to you. Those thoughts aren’t only paying you a visit. They are not coming through to you as a signal that you must at all costs listen to them or else you will suffer some form of annihilation if you dare to continue to put pen to paper or brush to canvas. I know that those thoughts can feel like they have the power to literally put the brakes on our creative endeavours, but the truth is they hold no power at all. They can create in us a feeling that accompanies the thought but other than that, they cannot reach out of us and tie up our hands or stop us from speaking or moving. They have no power outside of the validation that we give them.

 It is like walking past a chorus of abuse from holographic strangers. We may very well feel offended but due to their holographic nature we would know that they were not real and they could not do us any real harm. We would continue walking on our way and ignore them as best we could. We definitely wouldn’t allow them to yield any governance over us due to the fact that they are not real to begin with.

 So why are we giving so much undue attention to the judgmental critics in our heads? How are a set of ephemeral cloud like thoughts holding us hostage and preventing us from creating what we desire? The truth is if we have been inspired to make and create and we intend to do just that, we are free to continue on our creative ways and pay no mind to the thoughts that may be appearing in our heads at the same time. They are not here to tell us anything about our abilities, our lives or ourselves. They are passing through and just like the chorus of holographic hooligans they are not worth listening to and definitely not worthy of your obedience. So know that you are not condemned to listen to the cacophony of any critiquing critters in your head but you are totally and utterly free to go and create whatever you so desire. I can’t promise you that those voices will disappear at will but I can tell you that they can do nothing to stop you from making what you will and in that act of creating you will find that they soon lose their voice.




Creating Art in Crevices & Craters of Time


Freeze Drying Ideas