What Makes Your Art Unique?

When it comes to creating or sharing our art, we have a tendency to think that there are certain things that are wrong with us, that are only unique to us. So we may have thoughts like the work isn’t good enough, I’m not skilled enough, I am not as creative as I should be. We can feel like  an imposter as an artist and so we don’t share our work and we might not even begin creating in the first place

But that isn’t the part of you that is unique, that in fact is pretty much a general consensus of many creatives out there who have thoughts of we’re not good enough. Our art isn’t good enough, we're not ready to share it or our style isn’t unique enough. These are common thoughts, these are general thoughts. These thoughts aren't unique to you, or especially belong to you.

What makes your art unique is that it has imbued within it your lived experience. Your artistic expression is informed by the way your senses interpret the world, filtered through all of your life experiences. This essence that is totally unique to you and your life influences and inspires the art that you create. 

No one other than you can see or experience the world the way that you do and the art that you create from this bespoke experience is why your art is totally unique. And that is why the world needs to see it because no one else on this planet will create art as you do and if it isn’t shared with all of us, then we all miss out on seeing art that is made in your essence.

The world doesn’t need to see perfection, mimicking every other piece of art out there. You don't need to hide your creations or not even create them in the first place because you think that what you create isn’t good enough. It’s a missed opportunity for all of us when we do not to get to see your perspective of the world whether it’s through your visual interpretation, your words your dance, your poetry, whatever your art form may be, it’s bespoke to you and we are deprived of seeing it and witnessing it when you shy away from it don’t create and don’t share it.

Be comforted by the fact that those thoughts that reverberate within you telling you that you are not ready or your art is not good enough, are all average everyday thoughts for any creative and have not been specially dispensed to only you. Yet, what is dispensed to only you, is your unique view of the world and the way you interpret that through your art. It’s your gift back to the world from the gift of having a creative calling in the first place. So from the centre of your experience and your perspective, create art and let us see you through it.



The Power of Ordinary


Your Relationship To Your Art