Are You A Dream Keeper?

Are you a dream keeper? Someone who has a dream and would like to realise it, but instead keeps it close by and never takes any action on it. We can all harbour dreams that we like to daydream about but we also know we will never take action on. I may wonder what it is like to walk on the moon, but I may hold it as a dream, something to imagine, but never really want to take any of the necessary steps to get there. It’s a dream I can be fond of and never want to manifest. 

But then there are the dreams that are the most precious. The ones that call to us and we know we would love to experience in the world of reality. Yet, we do our utmost to keep them unscathed, untouched. We keep hold of them like a precious faberge egg, not wanting to cause damage, scratch, dent or worst of all break them. 

So instead, we dream about our dreams. We may talk about them to anyone who will listen, We spend hours daydreaming about them. And we also feel a tug and a pull. There is a sense of unease around them, because we can tell these dreams want to be born and we are not allowing that to take place. Instead we are doing all we can to make sure they remain as dreams, never entering the physical plane.

Why do we do that? 

Because we are scared; scared that they may come true and won’t feel as good as they do within us incubating. Or worse of all that we won’t have the capabilities of making them come true and they will be ruined, marred in failure and us in turn feeling like failures without our beloved dreams. 

What might happen? Any and all of the above. But these dreams, the ones that call to you, the ones that want to appear in the world, they don’t care. They just want to be out of you and take up space out there. They want to collaborate with you so that you can birth them into being. They don’t care if they get scratched or dented, they don’t even care of they get smashed to pieces. They wanted to take a breath in this mad crazy world and only you have the power to bring them to life. So they reside within you, calling you, will you play with me? Will you take action and make me come to life? 

They don’t hold any expectation of success or failure, they don’t think any less of you if they appear in the world and don’t work out the way you imagined that they would. They wanted to be born and the minute they were, their destiny was fulfilled. 

We get precious about our dreams, as though to break them would destroy a part of us and maybe it would. And maybe a new part of us would grow from the demise of a dream that got made real or didn’t quite make it in the ‘real’ world but beauty still came from it. You learnt and saw something in you that you never knew existed. One failed dream led you to another one that was a match to you in the here and now. You wouldn't have the new dream without the exploration of the old one. Each dream holds within it a purpose. But some dreams require your action and your bravery to see them out into the world come what may. 

Dreams like that are meant to be dented and scratched, you are meant to advocate on behalf of them and yourself. They and you are deserving of that. 

If you are harbouring a dream within you that you know wants to be with you in this world and not just residing in your inner space, then it is time to collaborate and take action. Begin to move that dream into this realm and allow it to be whatever it becomes. It will deliver something worthwhile to you either way, whether it is unscathed and remains in beautiful tact or whether there are a few scratches and even if ultimately it breaks. 

It can still be held together with gold, like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, where objects that are broken are joined back together with gold to create a more beautiful object through the act of breaking and repairing. What if our dreams could be like that? Have the power to live on even if in a different form. 



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