Do Not Apply Pressure

In the current climate, amidst all the chaos, there is a lot information being shared on our social media channels. With plenty of time to scroll and switch swiftly from platform to platform and round again, I think it is ok to just be with what is happening and not feed into our already felt fears any further.

Our feeds are a reflection of what we spend our time looking at, sharing and supporting. It may currently be full of negative responses and outrage or seeing an upsurge of a gifting community who are reaching out and supporting others. Either end or somewhere in the middle there is an over abundant stream of information infiltrating our eyes and minds and it may be time to just take a moment and not read, research or scroll for a hot minute.

Because whether your feed is positive or negative, it is all still advocating action in one way or another. And although this is a time where many of us are working from home, there is also the added pressure to make this time count.

I am growing tired of all the prompts to not waste this time, to write the book, to begin that business, to do whatever it is you have been yearning to do for years. I am not saying if the desire is moving you to do this then do it, but for anyone out there who is just coming to terms with what is going on, whatever that might mean for you personally or professionally, it is also ok, to just let yourself have some space and time to acclimatise.

This doesn’t have to be an either/or situation. Some days you might not want to do nothing at all and feel all the fears for an uncertain future and then there may be days when you want to declutter your house and make some grand plans for the future. It might be none of the above and be totally bespoke to you.

So if needed, this is a message to say you don’t have to be, do or feel anything that your feed is telling you to. It’s all ok, the fear, the inaction, the over activity, the planning, the catastrophizing. Accept whatever is in your experience and know that it is allowed and you don’t need to exert any extra energy fighting against yourself.

Turn down the volume, mute the screen and turn it off, even for a small amount of time. The term we use ‘your feed’ speaks a thousand words. You are the consumer and your feed is your diet. Be aware that the overconsuming in any area may not be in your best interests. I am not going to suggest you breathe deeply or meditate or go for a walk in nature. Do what you feel to do intuitively and be kind to yourself and feed yourself something that sustains you and nurtures you and doesn’t just have you feeling even more overwhelmed than you may already be feeling.

Sometimes silence and time out can be an antidote to a ferocious and insatiable appetite for a constant feed of information. It’s not lost on me that you reading this is another channel of consumption; but if the mood takes you, time away from any further informative fuel and know that it is ok and it will all still be where you left it when you return.


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